Meet Devi Jags, Podcast Host, Entrepreneur, Activist

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Salon Spotlight LA: Devi Jags

Since first opening its doors ten years ago in New York City, NeueHouse has been a meeting place for creators, thinkers, and innovators. As we celebrate ten years, meet some of the members shaping shaping our community and keeping us inspired from coast to coast.

Name: Devi Jagadesan (go by Devi Jags)

Hometown: I am from Reading, PA, and I now live in Los Angeles (almost at the 2 year mark)!

Briefly describe what you do:
Entrepreneur, writer, and activist. I am the founder of Sparkle On With Devi Jags, a podcast for divine stories of the world’s most influential entrepreneurs, athletes, and storytellers, inspiring listeners to discover and reclaim their own Sparkle – their happiness, passion, and self-worth. I believe everyone has a fiery light within them, and even when that light feels dim, nothing can ever dull one’s Sparkle.

You’re a former Division I Cross Country & Track runner. How has your training as an athlete influenced you as an entrepreneur?
Being an athlete—specifically a runner—has taught me to be relentless in my goals, which goes hand-in-hand with entrepreneurship. It taught me without passion there’s no results. I think this is unique because when I no longer felt the same passion for the sport, it also taught me how to say no and walk away. That’s the part about entrepreneurship that no one talks about. There is a time to exit or times to say no. The DNA of crafting a project, mission, brand, and business is essentially being a builder. You have to know when it’s time to keep moving forward. The fact that I learned this all as a young person while I was a student-athlete was a really special adventure that I am grateful for.
Speaking of running, we have to ask—what are your thoughts on the LA run club scene? Do you run with any?
The LA run club scene helped me find my way back to myself. I stopped running for a long time. When I moved to LA, I realized how important nature and community are to my mental health and wellness, which includes running. My favorite group is Run Tech Club, a group of entrepreneurs and creatives who also happen to run.


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What’s been inspiring you lately?
Running and finding new parks and trails in LA. Not only do I feel like I am discovering a new part of the city, but as I travel this journey of my relationship with my body, I realize how important nature is in making me feel grounded.

What do you love about what you do?
I get to figure things out. As an entrepreneurial person, I like to build things and fix things. I like to learn by experience and failing. When I fail, I learn, and I do it better the next time I try it. There’s an obsessive, relentless side of me that, in some moments, is my weakness. But I also know it is my biggest strength.  Writing and entrepreneurship—despite what people might think—go hand in hand. And no matter how many ideas and projects I am working on, I know they all correlate. That’s the fun of it, no effort is truly ever wasted.

What do you do when you’re in a creative rut?
Of course, as a writer, I experience some writer’s block, but it is not in a way where I don’t have ideas for what to say. If anything, it is not being ready to face an emotion, or it is general fatigue and burnout. If anything, my creative thoughts are overwhelming. When I feel uninspired by my own feelings or work, I search for new music or lyrics that make me excited about my own stories again. When I find a song, I will listen to it obsessively on repeat until I am sick of it, or write the story that needs to be on paper. This can last for hours, a couple days, even up to a week. 

Another practice is being around other creatives, whether that is live music at a bar, concerts, panels, or film screenings. Running or exercise has been the core of who I am, and helps me with the overwhelming creative thoughts. 

What is your earliest memory of your own creativity?
I was playing The Game of Life with my family for the first time. I wanted the “Artist” card when it was time to pick a career. I remember choosing the card over “The Doctor” card. My parents laughed because the salary difference that the game assigned to each other these careers was drastic. The doctor card would ensure I practically win the game, and of course, the artist card would not. I resisted being an artist for many years because of that memory. 

The second memory I have was when I was really little. I was learning how to write my name. I remember sitting at my kitchen table and waving a light pink piece of construction paper in the air to show my mom, “I did it.” The feeling of “getting it” on paper was something I was really proud of.

If you could shout out someone you met at NeueHouse, who would it be and why?
I joined Neuehouse because of the staff. I was looking for a creative community, events, and a late place to write. But if there is anyone or anything that I look forward to the most is the staff that genuinely supports my work and well-being. To me, this journey is worth more than the outcome because of the people who care about you along the way.

What do you look for in a community?
People who are genuine, passionate, and support one another. When you surround yourself with successful (your definition of success) people, then you will be successful.

What is something you’re excited about right now?
I am excited about training for the Chicago Marathon, which is in October 2024. In parallel, I have launched a podcast called Sparkle On With Devi Jags. I define “Sparkle” as your happiness, passion, and self-worth. The first season is very focused on my journey back to running while I bring on experts in nutrition, wellness, and mental health. For the future, I hope this is a movement that helps people discover or reclaim their Sparkle — the fiery light within us all. 

NeueHouse in 5 words or less:
My happy place.

SALON by NeueHouse

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